Last Updated on November 8, 2014 by Heather Hart, ACSM EP, CSCS
7:35/mile avg.
still waiting on final chip time
3rd place overall female.
And now for the recap:
As I mentioned in the last blog, this 5k was to be run in circles through the parking lot around an outlet mall. About 3.25 full circles, then you cut through the middle of the mall (it’s an outdoor mall) cut to the other half of the loop, and run to the finish. I arrived early enough to pick up my number and chip, and then get a good mile of a warm up run in. I’ve found lately on my long runs that the first mile is always slow, so I figured I’d get that out of the way first, ha!
We lined up at 8:30, heard the spiel about being responsible for counting your own loops, the gun went off, and the race started. Although I was very close to the start line, what felt like a hundred people went flying by me. I held my pace, which if you have read my race blogs before, is a feat in itself for me. Sure enough, about a half a mile in I started passing people left and right. Even the girl in the fancy University track outfit (not local) and newtons. I know it’s silly but I always equate fancy running gear to fast!
Now, as horrible as 3.25 laps around a parking lot sounds, it actually wasn’t bad. In fact, I sort of enjoyed it. Because after the first loop, you knew exactly what to expect and where you were in terms of the race. I didn’t have to keep glancing at Coach Garmin, which sometimes messes with my head. Instead I knew “OK, only one and a half more loops”. My only complaint was the speed bumps every hundred yards or so. It reminded me of my days hurdling in high school track. You saw the speed bumps coming and had to think about your plan of attack, so you didn’t totally throw your stride off!
Mile 0-1: 7:18 felt great. Felt like I could have gone faster, but was holding back. Passed a lot of people.
Each lap was less than a mile (.87 I think) so when I passed the start/finish line the first time and saw the clock just click past 6:00, I thought to myself “what the flip! slow down Heather!!” Then I remembered I still had a ways to go to a mile. I was doing ok.
Mile 1-2: 7:34 still felt good and strong, but starting to slow a bit. Passed a few more people and didn’t let anyone else pass me.
Mile 2-3: 8:03 I made it to about 2.45 miles and hit the breaks. Out of no where my breathing became very labored, and I started to get lightheaded, so I had to stop and catch my breath. I did this twice, and one of the times, another girl passed me. Boo.
Mile 3-3.1 0.51 seconds (7:02/mile pace) It’s always easy to get a second wind when the finish line is in sight!
I knew I must have placed in my age group since I didn’t see many girls a head of me, but I had no idea I was third overall female! It was a very nice surprise. While my time isn’t a PR, it is a “post baby #2 PR”, so that was cool.
My prize was a ceramic bowl full of Crabtree & Evelyn products and an envelope full of tickets to various local attractions. You know me, I wouldn’t have minded a tacky shiny trophy (probably would have beamed with excitement), but the bath products were a very nice treat!
1) running circles around a parking lot really isn’t that bad
2) I need to do some more speed work to prevent future gasping for air situations
3) pretty stoked with my time. I definitely feel the improvement, slowly but surely!
Heather Hart is an ACSM certified Exercise Physiologist, NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), UESCA certified Ultrarunning Coach, RRCA certified Running Coach, co-founder of Hart Strength and Endurance Coaching, and creator of this site, Relentless Forward Commotion. She is a mom of two teen boys, and has been running and racing distances of 5K to 100+ miles for over a decade. Heather has been writing and encouraging others to find a love for fitness and movement since 2009.
great gift bowl!
Yay how exciting!! Third female overall is awesome!! YAY!!
Have a awesome bath! =)
My first thought was regarding your warm up. Good for you. I did a 2 mi warm up before my 5k earlier this month and I feel it was a huge benefit to loosen me up.
Then I read about the speed bumps. Hilarious! And I never even thought of that when you first mentioned that this race was going to be run around a mall.
Third overall female? That is awesome. Congratulations to you. And the prize is pretty sweet.
Great job Heather.
Nice job on the 3rd place finish! Pretty sure that’s never going to happen to me unless there are only 3 women in the race – ha. Glad I can live vicariously through you!
Running and living
Congrats! Awesome race! Congrats! Ana-Maria
Mel-2nd Chances
Congrats on your 3rd place finish! Nicely done, and sweet award too!
Natalie D
Congrats! What an interesting gift!
Congratulations on the 3rd place and the swag! I guess running around a mall wasn’t so bad after all!
Great job on the race! Awesome award!
MCM Mama
Lisa Slow-n-Steady
great job and what a cool prize!!
Mel -Tall Mom on the Run
SWEET!! I would love the bath products…have too many trophies sitting in my garage from basketball..LOL..
Love the post race photo..I ALWAYS start out too fast…wonder what I will be able to do once I get that under control.. Will I ever.
So proud of you!1 Hope your nuun came?
Great race! Love the prize 🙂
Runner Mama
Awesome race and time! Way to go girl!
Congrats on a your third place finish and your great time!
Running, kind of.
Wow! Awesome job! good to know that the parking lot wasnt as bad as we all thought it would be!!
Oh and FYI I always see fancy running gear and equate it with “compensation”. i know some people in fancy gear are fast as lightening, but it makes me feel better to tell myself that they have to look so good because they just arent that fast. 🙂 But, I also like to look cute and try to match my running outfits….so either way timing chips don’t usually lie! 3rd place rocks!!!
wow, you are FAST!!
I was gonna say maybe I’ll see you at VA Beach…but you will be LONG GONE by the time I come in. HA
The Tri Runner
You Rock! Congrats on being 3rd overall female!
Congrats! I would have stopped and shopped between the 2nd and 3rd miles for sure . . .
Congrats on a great race and third overall! Sweet award 🙂 the race course sounds less than ideal but you def owned it.
Congrats! That is awesome. I would race for some bath salts in a heartbeat. GO YOU!!!!
Trenches of Mommyhood
You rock!